1. Wash your hands with soap and dry them before and after handling lenses.

2. Before opening the vials, inspect the lenses for any nicks, tears or physical defects. Inform us asap if you find any.

3. Handle the lenses with your fingertips only. Never use your nails (which should always be kept trimmed and tidy)!

4. Avoid having your nails come into contact with the lenses as much as possible. This is very important because it can tear the lenses. The lens material is extremely delicate!

5. Look at the bowl of the lens and check that the edge is not curved outwards. If it is, it means it is inside out.

6. Soak your lenses in multi-purpose contact lens solution for at least 6 hours prior to usage the first time. Remember to always clean, rinse & disinfect them with solution each time.

7. Use only proper multipurpose lens solution or saline solution designated for soft contact lenses. Never use tap water.

8. Using one hand, gently lift your upper lid. With the other hand, gently pull down your lower lid with your middle finger and place the lens on your eye with your forefinger.

9. Release your fingers from your lid. Close your eyes and blink 2 or 3 times. Massage your eye in a gentle circular motion to centre the lens on your eye. Repeat with the other eye.

10. If your vision appears blurry, there may be oils on the lens or they may be on the wrong eye.

11. To remove the lens, gently pull down your lower lid. Look to the left & slide the lens down to the white of your eye using your middle finger. Pinch the lens gently between your forefinger & thumb.

12. Place the lens in the middle of your palm. Put 6 to 8 drops of fresh multipurpose solution.NOTE: Check the expiry date of the lens solution.

13. Rub the lens with your fingertip in a circular motion, 20 to 30 times. Rinse with fresh solution again.

14. Replace the old solution in your lens case with fresh solution. Repeat with the other lens.

15. Ensure that both your lenses are completely immersed in solution, otherwise they will become dehydrated and unusable.

16. It is good hygiene to replace your lens case every 3 months to avoid bacteria growth and possible contamination.

17. Please take good care of your lenses to get the most life out of them! We hope that you enjoy them to the fullest!